Free Up Your Teams From Universal Credit Work
The Pandemic has been hitting many authority departments in different ways. Teams have potentially been reduced in size, some teams have been overwhelmed with workloads around COVID grants: all this on top of having to deliver normal services like processing Universal Credit applications.
Couple this with the fact those people making the applications are in desperate need of those claims to be processed quickly. There is no doubt that this will be putting extreme pressure on an authority’s team, adding stress due to not having the capabilities to process claims quickly and effectively, leading to increased calls and complaints faced by the front line teams.
But there is a way you can get help and get ahead of the game with your Universal Credit applications work.
By automating Universal Credit, councils can put themselves ahead of the game by reducing their team’s workload through automation of the majority of cases between the DWP and their revenues & benefits system. The service comes with a suite of over 15 daily reports to aid effective workload planning and track the progress of cases that have been processed and enables data mismatches to be identified and resolved to further improve future automation rates.
The service delivers immediate results, freeing your teams to focus on other key areas such as COVID grants etc.
To learn more about how Capacitygrid can help with Universal Credit Automation click here.